Sunlu Dryer S2: review

And here it is the long awaited new version of the Sunlu dryer, or the Sunly Dryer S2.
Will it be able to amaze us and surpass the quality already achieved by the old model?
You will find out by reading this review!

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Sunlu Dryer S2: preview

Let’s continue with the dryers theme which apparently is a much discussed topic in the makers.
Today we will see a first preview of the new version of Sunlu’s filament dryer, the Dryer S2, presented on Kickstarter a few days ago.

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Sunlu FilaDryer S1: recensione

Oggi andremo a parlare di un oggetto che ha a che fare con la stampa 3D ma che non è una stampante 3D.
Il Sunlu FilaDryer S1 è un essiccatore per filamenti, utile per eliminare l’umidità dalle bobine.

Andiamo a scoprirlo insieme.

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